Never mind the pugs and kittens, here's the squid bunnies.

This is a blog where I nerd out with crafts.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oh my god I remembered my password.

I did. I need to start...uhh...blogging. That word is gross.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Finally broke the creativity block.

Got a package with two new prints and went right to work. My sewing machine also died, which is causing my to design things around my serger only. Lots of bands have been happening.

Here are two tops I have made with the ice cream print:

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Crappy iSight photos, but alas.

Monday, March 19, 2007

These past few days.

As far as crafting goes, I have a total crafters block and it makes me mad. I cant sew something that I like lately, but I whipped this up the other day pretty quickly:

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This past week has been full of happiness of the simple kind. Jeff and I went to Ann Arbor Wednesday and just peoplewatched. We went to see 300 on Friday, which I enjoyed immensely. Saturday was spent working. I worked for 8 hours straight through, no breaks, just blowdrying and shampooing and everything in between. Didnt make decent tips in the least. Ah well, there are days where I can make 70 bucks easy peasy. However, I should be getting a raise this next week.

Jeff and I went to Comic City in Novi today and I picked up a few, namely one called "Bipolar", a teeny cute book called "Lunch Break Comix", and a random issue of "The Exterminator". They were all pretty good. Bipolar was artsy, Lunch Break Comix reminded me that drawing comics doesnt have to be a 3 panel joke, and The Exterminator was a standard comic book, plus some sick humour that I enjoyed. Plus an exploding gerbil.

No work tomorrow. I plan on going up to Value World and seeing what the pickins are on the fabric, and maybe trying to sew another top.

I want to list things on eBay this week or the next.

And I also want to put a few bags together to take up to Kitty Deluxe soon. I just cant get in the mood to sew bags right now, though.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The first serger project!

Over the course of two days, I present to you, the sailor top. The green shirt is an undershirt, its like an underbust...shirt? I dont know, I think its neat.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


There is a serger sitting in Jeff's room right now! Eeee! If it wasn't 12:30 I'd be over there right now.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Wishes and hopes and goals and other such nonsense.

So Jeff bought me a serger. To the oblivious, a serger produces the kind of seam you see on the inside of any purchased item of clothing. It makes a stretchy seam, which is great if you sew with stretchy material as often as I do.

This also means that I will be able to produce finished-looking garments. Since my dressers can no longer hold the overflow of clothing (a lot of which is handmade) I plan on selling things I make on eBay. Theres a lot of girls out there that pay the rent selling stuff on there, which encourages me. I dont feel like I produce crap, and I think that I'm pretty aware of what girls will really, really want.

I also want to use the screenprinting kit that I cajoled Ian into giving me to print fabrics. I'll use these fabrics in my designs, but I think it would be really great to sell them, as well. I have a few specific designs in mind.

It'll be nice to be able to sew some ridiculous pieces of clothing again, without the nagging feeling that it wont see the light of day.

Hopefully if I do make money off of this, I'll be able to do some fun stuff. Liiiike moving out. Or getting a new car. As it is, I've already made around 50 dollars on eBay these past 2 weeks selling off some of my stash (a lot of which was discovered at thrift stores) and hopefully this is only a sign of better things to come.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Crochet MAGIC.

I made Jeff a pair of flip-top mittens and then posed really dumb with them using my trusty iSight.

They are made with Debbie Bliss DK Merino wool, and an H hook. And holy hell are they warm.

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